4. How is it different from simply adding a letterbox in post-production?
When you add a letterbox to your 16:9 footage, you hide your image's top and bottom parts. In contrast, using an anamorphic lens captures and squeezes the entire image from the sensor. Upon de-squeezing the footage, you see the sensor's full resolution in the desired aspect ratio, resulting in a picture with greater resolution.
Blue Flare or Gold Flare?
It ultimately comes down to personal preferences. I have always associated blue flares with anamorphic lenses. Blue flares are generally associated with sci-fi-like movies.
On the other hand, gold flares have a more neutral appearance and blend more seamlessly with outdoor scenes, for example, during sunsets.
Anamorphic Lens + VND Filter
To achieve a cinematic look with an anamorphic lens, it's essential to use the correct shutter angle/shutter speed, commonly called the 180-degree rule. In short, always set your shutter speed to double your frame rate. For instance, if you are shooting at 24 frames per second (fps), your shutter speed should be set to 1/48th of a second (1/50th is also acceptable).
You'll need a variable ND (Neutral Density) filter, such as the Moment VND filters available in 2-5 and 6-8 stops to achieve this.
Don't forget the Moment 67mm Mobile Lens Filter Mount to attach your filter to your anamorphic lens!
Want that smooth, cinematic look in bright daylight? These Moment Variable ND filters work like sunglasses for your camera ā controlling light to prevent overexposure while letting you use the right...
Add for $160Attach a standard 67mm Filter to your Moment Lenses.
The Moment Filter Adapters let you attach a standard 67mm filter to your Moment Lenses (Tele, Wide, & Anamorphics). Simply press fit the mount ...
Add for $30How To De-Squeeze
We now understand that an anamorphic lens distorts images by squeezing them vertically. To view the footage correctly, we need to de-squeeze it. You can easily see the correct aspect ratio while filming when using an app like the Pro Camera App by Moment. Simply select the desired lens from the lens menu. You can also apply the de-squeeze effect to your saved files. To do this, navigate to the app settings, find the "anamorphic lens" section, and toggle "apply de-squeeze to saved file." Once that's done, your footage will be saved with the corrected aspect ratio.
If you need to de-squeeze the footage in your editing software, refer to this quick guide:
Read our step-by-step instructions on correctly formatting your Anamorphic footage in Davinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Read moreMike DeweyFeb 7, 2025