SX-70 Color Instant FIlm

An image without an alt, whoops
An image without an alt, whoops
An image without an alt, whoops
An image without an alt, whoops

SX-70 Color Instant FIlm

    Film that’s made especially for Polaroid SX-70 cameras. Color SX-70 film has a lower film speed (ASA) to give you photos with a richer texture and finer grain. Just make sure you always shoot with lots of natural light.

    *Note: Opened consumable items (film or film cameras) are not refundable. To learn more click here.

    SKU: 6004

    Tech Specs

    Film FormatPolaroid SX-70
    Film TypeColor
    Film SpeedISO 160
    Image Area3.11 x 3.11" / 79 x 79 mm
    Image ShapeRectangle
    Film Size (W x H)4.21 x 3.46" / 107 x 88 mm

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