Being our second remote offsite we tried some morning programming with a 7am workout group and an 8am breakfast with customer service. These are similar to how we spend our off-sites when in person.
Team Session #3
Breaking into our T3 teams we went through process, discussing what we can improve personally and collectively. Process always starts with self and figuring how you get he most out of your days. From self you can then look at the repeatable processes within the team and how we can make them better. We spent the session going through
- Personally, list out where you are spending your time.
- Where are you spending too much time and not enough time? Why?
- Within your list, which areas do you love and which areas are a struggle?
- Build or update your team’s Journey. You can build one per area of team focus or one for everything your team does.
Each team took notes and posted a doc to the offsite folder here.
Team Session #4
We spent an hour learning how to forecast revenue. In particular how to take past monthly data and bring it forward to forecast revenue. We provided a template and then let each team come up with their own way to forecast.
The assignment was...
- Forecast new customers, repeat customers, and revenue by month.
- Use math (in the doc) for how these months calculate. Can’t just hand enter numbers.
- List any assumptions you made with the numbers.
- Make at least one chart to explain your forecast.
- Have a monthly process to review results, understand variances, and how you’ll make it more accurate in future months.
The template and answers are here. From the session we learned how to edit a forecast.
- Start by checking the annual totals for the key metrics (revenue, customers, and traffic). Do the annual growth rates logically makes sense based on the assumptions they made?
- Check the monthly quantities year over year to see how they are forecasting the business for a similar period a year later. Is there any consistency to these month over month changes?
- Benchmark your past data to get a sense for how their ratios in relation to revenue. By checking these key metrics it gives you a sense if the relation between the metric and revenue changed a lot year over year.
- Use graph to see trajectories. Lines help you to visualize growth rates for any of your key metrics and are a simple way to validate...does this seem believable?
Forecasting is all about confidence, therefore you use a variety of tools to check someone's forecasting assumptions.
Team Session #5/6
After lunch we did our first learning workshops. Everyone could pick between six different subjects to improve their skills. This is something we want to continue during company meetings so training can happen on a regular basis. The topics we covered were...
- Group 1 (Alec) - google analytics and how to track a campaign.
- Group 2 (Brett) - looker and how to create some basic metrics.
- Group 3 (Andrew) - how facebook, google, and apple ads work.
- Group 4 (Erica) - getting a refresh on customer service.
- Group 5 (Erik / Audrey) - learning how we develop a product
- Group 6 (Niles) - how we edit a video.
Team Session #7
The last session of the day was a long term brainstorm about what we as individuals and as a group, need at Moment to still be here 10 years from now. It was a free format brainstorm to help all of us better understand what is expected long term to keep Moment a place everyone wants to stay.
The questions the group thought about...
- Why would you still be here in 10 years?
- What do you think we need at Moment for the group to be here in 10 years?
- What has to be true about the market for us to be here in 10 years?
Answers are here from all the teams, but a few takeaways...
- On a personal level people want a group of people who inspire them and work that gives them purpose. Most of the answers were about personal progression and keeping the work interesting. Flexibility and the opportunity to control your own schedule also came up a lot.
- On a group note most of the answers were around security with more robust compensation, stock option liquidity, and maintaining transparency.
- On a market note we need creativity, photo/video, and customer interest to continue. We have no idea how people will be creating in the future but the move towards entertainment versus creativity came up a few times. Each direction will require different tools.
Once we got back together we looked at two additional questions as a group...
1. Which traits should we keep?
- being very transparent. it builds trust.
- how comfortable the group is together.
- staying nimble.
- empowering customers and creatives.
- attitude of fixing problems vs dwelling on them.
- being positive.
- pushing for growth.
2. Which traits do we need to improve?
- rushing everything.
- being more sustainable.
- purpose > $
- longevity, moving past launch and forget.
Dinner With Erica
We ended the even with home ramen cooking with Erica. Normally she's our lead chef for all of our meals.