Editing with Sam Elkins: How to Develop a Consistent Look and Feel

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Editing with Sam Elkins: How to Develop a Consistent Look and Feel

    Struggling to find your "style" or create a consistent Instagram feed?

    In this lesson, Sam breaks down the process of how to edit. Not just your typical editing workflows, what he does time and time again to get a consistent look and feel throughout his entire body of work. No matter what camera you’re shooting on, the decisions you make in the post-production of your images can really make or break them. Together we focus on simple, but thoughtful tweaks to your images, so that you have a great base to apply to every image that you start with.

    **Important: All lesson purchases are final in consideration of the creator's hard work. To learn more, click here.

    SKU: m-lesson-017

    What You'll Learn

    Sam will take you through his editing workflow from start to finish, showing you what he does to get his consistent look and feel every time, no matter what you're shooting with.

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      A quick intro to Sam and what this lesson is all about.

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      Sam discusses his editing philosophy, and how he ended up where he is at today. This provides a bit of context to the lesson, and how Sam has developed his personal style over the course of years.

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      Getting the Best RAW Images Possible in Camera

      During this section, Sam goes into depth about why it’s so important to be happy with the RAW images you take, before you start editing. For Sam, he focuses on a few key components to get great images to work with in Lightroom.

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      Culling/Importing Images

      Before you even start editing, it’s important to understand how to organize and cull your images properly. Sam utilizes Photo Mechanic to show you how he culls his images before importing into Lightroom.

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      Backup/Final Organization

      Backing up your images is the most important part of making sure your images are safe and in multiple places. Sam walks you through how he organizes his shoots using a system that has worked for him for years.

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      Lightroom Workflow

      Focusing mainly on what he uses on a typical basis, Sam walks you through his Lightroom Workflow, and what he does to each image within lightroom to achieve a consistent look and feel.

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      How to Properly Edit Skin Tones

      Skin Tones can be very difficult, and are usually a defining characteristic of a great edit. Sam walks you through his approach to soft, pastel skin tones every time.

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      Editing Session - Lifestyle Shoot

      Sam edits a lifestyle shoot he shot in 2019, explaining colors, why he chose the selects, and how to tell a story with a series of images.

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      Editing Session - Commercial Shoot

      Sam walks you through a Commercial Shoot, showing you how he picks selects, organizes a story and finds a color palette for a specific shoot.

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      Editing Session - Achieving A Cohesive Look with Any Camera

      In this segment, Sam edits images from some of his followers to show you that you can get consistent results with any camera, it’s just about working on a style and maintaining it throughout.

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      Export Settings

      Sam explains his export settings, and how he resizes images for web, and social use.

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      Wow. What a ride. We summarize the techniques taught and how you can apply them to your editing sessions. Thanks for watching, now go do...


    Sam Elkins

    Explorer and creator, based in LA.

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